Sunday, February 7, 2010

18 02 10 - Jack Sparrow, 2000F, BunZer0,... at Kultuurkaffee - Brussels

Thursday, 18 February 2010 at 22:00

Kultuurkaffee Pleinlaan 2 Brussels, Belgium

Je m'en fish invites Inhale featuring

Jack Sparrow (UK, Tectonic) release party. FREE signed Tectonic testpressings, t-shirts & stickers!

2000F (Danmark, Hyperdub, Kraken rec.)

Bunzer0 (Sub.FM, Je m'en fish, ...)

Inhale crew:
Geeks & Curbfew

Kultuurkaffee, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels (VUB). Start 21h! Entrance 4 euro.

No bottles 'n' drinks brought from outside the venue allowed.

Promowhoring inside the actual venue not welcome. Keep your flyers/posters/stickers outside of the venue or distribute at the entrance (outside poster wall or spots reserved for flyers) or we reserve the right to deny you entrance.


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